Common Questions

  • How seriously does the bakery adhere to celiac safety?

    Every item served in our bakeries is gluten-free and made in house by our trained team of bakers. On top of our gluten free recipes, we have also verified with manufacturers that every ingredient that we bake with is either certified as gluten-free and/or processed in a wheat-free facility. We know what it’s like to feel like you have very few trusted options when you leave your house, so we are very intentional about creating a place where you can let your guard down and choose anything on the menu! If you have any questions, email us at

  • What about other allergies and dietary restrictions?

    Our primary focus is to create a full menu of delicious, high quality baked goods with verified celiac safe ingredients. We have a small but growing number of recipes that are also vegan/dairy-free. We do our best to make sure that anyone who is avoiding dairy will have at least a few options when they visit our bakeries.

    Please note that we do use coconut cream in our recipes and a few recipes also include soy. We are unable to verify the same level of safety for other allergies and dietary restrictions at this time.

  • What other merch will you be selling?

    The possibilities are endless! Our latest plans include crop tops, sweatshirts, hoodies, and we have been 3D printing our our own keychains. However, if you are a local artist or producer interested in selling your small batch products in our store, email us at We’d love to talk with you!

  • What are your future menu plans?

    We like to focus on seasonal ingredients and designs, always with an emphasis on both sweet and savory options. The recipes we’ll be producing in the near term are a greek inspired fancy pie, a vegetarian quiche and a meat quiche (we call them sunrise pies!), and savory breads. We also plan to offer many of these in our take home grocery freezer so you can make them at home and serve fresh out of the oven.